Winter Clothing Ideas ~ What to Wear for Your Photo Session {Boulder family photographer}

It’s hard for me to believe that the busyness of fall and early winter photo sessions are over, and that I’m now looking upon a brand new year. I’ve been spending this holiday season dreaming of what will be in 2017. Looking forward on a fresh year is exhilarating. Winter brings a time of slowness for most photographers. We have plenty of time to dream. Holiday portraits are over and most high school seniors have already submitted their photos to yearbook. It is a time when photographers can go within, polish and practice their art, and prepare for the year ahead. I have many ideas and changes in store for Smitten & Swoon in the coming year.
Even though I won’t have 16 client sessions a week for the month of January, I do still have several photo sessions booked and I have clients wondering what to wear in the winter. To me, winter can be the most beautiful time of year for photos in Colorado. The sun is so low in the sky that anytime of the day it looks like golden hour. Shadows are long. The color of the light in the winter is a different, more vibrant shade of gold. And then there’s the gold of all the grass in Colorado. I love winter photo sessions. They are gold and more gold. But choosing clothes in the winter can be much more difficult that in the warmer months when skin is tan and the colors of nature are abundant. When chosen carefully, winter clothing can bring out the beauty of the season. Here are several examples of some of my recent photo sessions where the clothing and color choices enhance the beauty of the portrait.
From hats in muted tones and the texture of fur and wool, to shades of pinks, creams, navy and pops of red – these images are lovely with the golden and white backgrounds of winter.
Inspirations for what to wear for your winter photo sessions:
When you book a photo session with Smitten & Swoon, you are given a detailed clothing guide and we can create secret Pinterest boards to gather ideas. I’ll be adding even more information to my clothing guides this year to include seasonal ideas for what looks great with the colors of nature at the time of your session. I want you to feel confident when choosing what to wear for your photo session. Contact me today to book your photo session.